Wetland Plants
The most commonly used plants for constructed wetland marsh areas are our tall native wetland species such as bulrush (Typha sp.), common reed (Phragmites australis), yellow flag (Iris pseudacorus) and branched burr reed (Sparganium erectum). In wetland ponds lilies (Nuphar and Nymphaea sp.), duckweed (Lemna sp. (the smallest flowering plants in Europe) and pondweeds (Potamogeton sp.) may also be used. Ornamental lilies and flowering marginal plants such as arum and flowering rush can be used if desired for maximum colour.
For gravel reed bed the list is typically reduced to common reed and yellow flag since these tend to offer a mix of effectiveness and colour in this type of system.
For farm drains and landscape scale wetland buffer zones, the full constructed wetland species mix above may be used, including pond species if open water areas are included in the project area.
Note that for natural habitat pond projects, no planting may be needed at all. Simply build your pond and watch with eager curiosity to see what species emerge, and meanwhile allow natural succession to unfold, supporting a variety of flora and fauna in the process.
Willow Supply
We supply a range of biomass willows for willow filters and Zero Discharge Willow Facilities as well as other species of ornamental willows for willow sculptures, basket weaving and living fences. These are best planted from November to early March, but call us to discuss specific projects outside these months.
Contact us directly by email or phone for prices and site-specific questions.
+353 (0) 65 7075631 reeds@wetlandsystems.ie