Féidhlim Harty explores the marriage of science and art that brought about an ethical and principled design revolution. First published on December 18, 2020 in Horticulture Connected. Link below. Permaculture; that’s, like, organic gardening but with more of a hippy twist, isn’t it? Well, if that’s what you want in your garden, then perhaps, but…
Category: Permaculture
In praise of swales
First published in Horticulture Connected on November 7, 2019 Feidhlim Harty explains why we need to see greater use of swales in the Irish landscape The incorporation of swales to mitigate the negative impacts of rainwater runoff in designed schemes is not new. However, their use in Ireland has really only taken off in the…
The edible landscape
In the first of a series of environmentally-focused landscape articles, environmental consultant, Féidhlim Harty explores how edible species can be incorporated into designed landscapes. As the coordinator of Garden of Eden Projects Ireland, he has a particular emphasis on community projects, but the same plants, pointers and principles can be applied to any garden or…
Permaculture sewage treatment – first aid and future -proofing for our rivers and seas
First published by the Permaculture Association (https://www.permaculture.org.uk/articles/permaculture-sewage-treatment-first-aid-and-future-proofing-our-rivers-and-seas). Well actually, it wasn’t in the hay barn, nor with a broken roof tile. But Ophelia is guilty for something alright. The recent storms downed electricity lines around Ireland and the UK. One of the impacts was an interruption to sewage treatment systems. So what? Not as important…
How to set up a Community Orchard/fForest Garden
Here is a straightforward step by step approach that can get you from lawn to forest in a jiffy: 1. First, share the idea with others in your community that are enthusiastic about it. 2. Come up with a proposal together to clarify your thoughts. Identify the areas that are suitable for planting. Consider borders…